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Онлайн-стажировка в UNICEF

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на дому
1 700 $ за месяц
3 год назад

Ищут талантливых студентов и недавних выпускников, которые хотят получить ценнейший опыт в международной компании под эгидой ООН и сделать наш мир чуточку лучше


  • Assist the unit to deliver efficiently and effectively, more specifically, support ECW’s Chief of Coordination and Strategic Planning to collect, analyse and organize data (data management)
  • Assist in gathering, analyzing and organizing program data for timely follow-up and appropriate, integration in position papers, elaboration of draft talking points and presentation in relation to unit’s work
  • Develop programmatic and strategic planning templates, tools and maintain and update country portfolio data in the database
  • Assist in analysis of ECW Annual Workplan deliverables and targets in relation to the strategic plan, indicators and preparing reports, including, as needed, the preparation of quarterly review meetings


  • Applicants should be enrolled in an undergraduate, Masters or Ph.D. degree programme or have graduated within the past two years
  • Have an academic background in any of the following
  • Be at least 18 years old at the time of application
  • Be proficient in English, knowledge of Spanish and/or French desirable
  • Have excellent academic performance as demonstrated by university records
  • Have no immediate relatives working with UNICEF or in the ECW Secretariat


  • Interns will receive a stipend of US$1,700 per month
  • Duration: 6 months (Sep 2021 - February 2022)
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