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Волонтер по Data Science and Digital Transformation в Центральную Африку от ООН

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за рубежом
2 800 $ за месяц
3 год назад

Ищут добродушного и желающего изменить этот мир к лучшему человека с невероятной адаптацией к новому месту и условиям, который обладает выдающимися коммуникативными и организационными навыками


  • Assist in the identification, roll-out and implementation of innovative solutions in support of MINUSCA mandates. Draft technical requirements of emergent and innovative proofs of concepts and projects;
  • Coordinate projects that may cover a range of concepts, strategies, frameworks, policies, procedures and technologies. Maintain records on project progress, approved plans and minutes ensuring timely reporting. Facilitate coordination and communication of activities with mission stake holders. Represent the Chief ITU as may be directed;
  • Coordinate with uniformed and civilian components of MINUSCA on data acquisition and management, including from multiple-source and types of data, through data flows, processing and visualization solutions. Liaise with service providers and external consultants on challenges, optimization, continual improvement and best practices;
  • Prepare presentations on new technologies and trainings as may be required. Provide in-depth analysis and assessments beneficial to the Mission;
  • Assess existing technologies for optimization, replacement or improvement. Undertake research and development of operational and business frameworks and relevant technology solutions. Understand, propose or help facilitate implementation of best practice frameworks;
  • Develop and implement databases, data collection systems, data analytics and other strategies that optimize statistical efficiency and quality. Identify, collect, process and interpret data, analyze results using statistical techniques and provide effective visualizations;
  • Participate in tests, development of measures of performance, and in implementing new or upgraded software;
  • Determine or build appropriate models to address business and analytical problems;
  • Assist ITU staff in accomplishing the unit work plan;
  • Ensure that calendars of activities are up to date;
  • Ensure upkeep and proper functioning of the office;
  • Perform other related duties as required by the direct supervisor;


  • 3 years of experience in ICT and related technologies: ;
  • Programming skills on Python (IDE and libraries), R, SQL, NoSQL, Tableau, Java or alternatives for data manipulation, analytics, and visualization;
  • Application of the principles of Artificial Intelligence (AI), ETL, pipelines, APIs, IoT, Big Data and cloud;
  • Desirable: ;
  • Understanding on user-enabling technologies like MS Power Platforms;
  • Understanding of radars and electro-optical systems, HIS and imagery;
  • English, Level: Fluent, Required;


  • Контракт на 4 месяца, ежемесячная стипендия около 2800$, разовая выплата на переезд 4000$, перелеты, страховка, виза за счет ООН;
  • Дедлайн: 7 марта;
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