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Corporate Relations Head in Dubai

Работодатель, вероятно, уже нашел нужного кандидата и больше она не актуальна.

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2 год назад

First Data — the biggest company in Russia working with transactional data on the media market and willing to relocate its candidates in Dubai. Currently First Data is enteringnew  foreign markets (some regions are being contacted already) and searches for a Corporate Relations Head, predominantly in Asia.

We’re interested in successful (approved) experience in advertisement in foreign projects, practical skills in using side data in setting up the advertising campaigns, understanding of the retail sphere and mobile providers industry, excellent skills of presentation and negotiations, strong English (C1+), ability/desire for relocation, developed teamwork skills.

For further inquiries and application please send your CV to the e-mail address via button below.


  • experience in advertisement in foreign projects;
  • practical skills in using side data in setting up the advertising campaigns;
  • understanding of the retail sphere and mobile providers industry;
  • excellent skills of presentation and negotiations;
  • strong English (C1+);
  • ability/desire for relocation;
  • developed teamwork skills.


  • For further inquiries and application please send your CV to the e-mail address via button below.
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