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Regional Digital Commerce Manager в Apple Retail Online Russia

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в Москве и МО
з/п не указана
3 год назад

Ищут опытного профессионала хорошо разбирающегося в Российском рынке электронной коммерции, умеющего проводить масштабные исследования и формировать у клиентов позитивный опыт взаимодействия


  • Be Apple Retail’s Digital Commerce representative in market (Russia).
  • Manage day-to-day performance, provide qualitative and quantitative feedback, along with action plans for relevant partners.
  • Observe and collate relevant digital trends, assess threats and opportunities from the market and the business.
  • Drive plans and initiatives to address challenges and opportunities in digital commerce, and be able to articulate requirements to senior/exec leadership measuring success.
  • Develop strong connections across Retail and extended business functions including Online functions.
  • Identify and develop internal and external partnerships critical to commercial success. This would include the development of roadmaps and account plans with key partners
  • Key point of contact for Apple in-country teams
  • Drive plans and initiatives to address challenges in segments including Small Medium Business and Education in Russia


  • Key Competencies/ Experience expected for this position
  • Extensive knowledge / experience of the Russian e-commerce market
  • Business development background
  • Ability to measure, ideate, plan and communicate and gain support for a multi year growth plan
  • Knowledge and experience of what makes an amazing customer experience
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